Dominican Institute for Oriental Studies
Founded in Cairo on March 7ᵗʰ, 1953 the Dominican Institute for Oriental Studies (IDEO) is today a well-known research institute mainly dedicated to the sources of the Arab and Islamic civilization. Its world-class library is open to the public and its scientific journal (MIDEO) is freely available online. The IDEO initiated the Diamond project.

Arabic Manuscripts Department of the Vatican Apostolic Library
Formally established in 1475, although it is much older, the Vatican Apostolic Library contains one of the most significant collections of historical texts. It hosts 75,000 codices as well as 1.1 million printed books, which include some 8,500 incunabula. The Arabic manuscripts Department received training in LRM cataloging, and full-fledge use of Diamond for its Arabic manuscripts collection.

Giorgio La Pira Library
The Giorgio La Pira Library in Palermo, Italy is a specialized research library representing the linguistic, doctrinal and cultural diversity of the Islamicate worlds. Modeled by FSCIRE’s sixty years of experience, it was born to become the Dossetti Library’s “twin”. The library received training in LRM cataloging, and full-fledge use of Diamond for its collection.

Commissio Leonina
Established in 1879, the Commissio Leonina constitutes a group of scholars working on the ongoing project of a critical edition of saint Thomas Aquinas’ works. The commission received training in LRM cataloging, and full-fledge use of Diamond for its collection.

Institute of Arabic Manuscripts
The Institute of Arabic Manuscripts was founded in 1946 under the name “Institute for Manuscripts Revival”, as it played an important role in seeking rare manuscripts from all over the world, photographing and editing them, and introducing and highlighting the importance of the Arabic heritage. The institute received training in LRM cataloging, and full-fledge use of Diamond for their digital manuscripts.

Digital Center for Oriental Manuscripts
Witness to the presence of Christianity for almost 2000 years, ancient manuscripts were collected and maintained by the Digital Center for Oriental Manuscripts in Erbil, Iraq since 1990, to preserve historical knowledge that originated in cities as Mosul and Bakhdida. The center received training in LRM cataloging, and full-fledge use of Diamond for its manuscripts collection.

Archives and Collections Department of the French Institute for Oriental Archeology
The IFAO’s (Institut français d’archéologie orientale) mission is to study the successive civilizations of Egypt, from prehistory until the modern era. The disciplines involved are archaeology, philology and history. The Archives and Collections Department received training in LRM cataloging, and full-fledge use of Diamond for its manuscripts collection.

The GIS-MOMM is a research group of the French CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research) devoted to the Middle East and the Islamicate worlds. One scholar of the GIS-MOMM received a training in LRM cataloging in order to create “Maryana”, a virtual library dedicated to the Arabic Nahḍa.

Saint Mark Foundation for Coptic Heritage
The Saint Mark Foundation was founded in 1998. It is a non-profit secular organization, dedicated to the Coptic heritage documentation and support of research in Coptic studies. It is managed by a board of trustees headed by his H.H. Pope Tawadros II.The foundation’s mission is to carry out research and collect complete and documented information on Coptic History since the coming of Christianity to Egypt up to the present. It is to be a definitive resource and reference for Coptic history.